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Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Fergie has a charitable birthday!

Fergie spent her 36th birthday running to raise money for Japan.
The Black Eyed Peas singer took part in a sponsored run organized by her actor husband Josh Duhamel yesterday to help victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in the Far East country but she revealed she didn’t mind sacrificing her birthday plans for such a worthy cause.
“People have just shown up with a really good attitude, and it’s my birthday,” Fergie said. “I’ve got my mom here, my old school friends came like Stephanie from Wild Orchid. I’m just excited to be here, it was a great thing to do to give back on my birthday.”
Although Josh easily beat Fergie in the two-mile fun run, the diminutive singer credited her 6ft 3in husband’s height rather than speed for his victory.
“It’s not fair because Josh has longer legs,” she said. “He can walk at the same place as I jog.”
Josh who organized a similar event after Haiti was devastated by an earthquake in 2010 said he wanted to do something more than just “writing a check”.
“I just wanted to do something,” he said. “When everything happened in Haiti last January, more than just writing a check out I felt this overwhelming want and need to actually pitch in and nobody could get there.
“Seeing some of the images coming out of Japan, I’d never seen anything like it. To hear about all the people who are missing and then everything that is going on with the nuclear plants.”
Paris and Nicky Hilton were also at the event to support the charity and help Fergie celebrate her birthday.
“We love Japan, we’ve been going there and doing business since we were teenagers, it’s always been a place close to our heart and we have a lot of friends out there,” Paris said.
“We’ve known Josh forever, and it’s Fergie’s birthday today,” Nicky added.

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